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Moira Noonan's 2017 Schedule

January 25, 2017

Healing Mass

Saint James Church, Solona Beach

Telles and Witness Testomonies

Starts at 7:00 PM

Fr Denis Phaneuf

Healing and Prayers and Music by John

Moira Noonan's 2016 Schedule

                        Saturday, October 15th, 2016


Fr Paul Sullivan of St Francis –

St Joseph Collaborative welcomes                   

You… Are you called to come? 

           God is Rich in Mercy



Fr. Denis Phaneuf has been a priest for 50 years in the Diocese of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. He is a member of the Marian Movement of Priests. He served on the International Fraternity of the Catholic Charismatic Communities under the direction of the Vatican Council of the Laity. He was an advisor on the Vatican consultation on Exorcism and Deliverance Ministry held in Rome.


Moira Noonan was called by Jesus and Mary back into the Catholic faith after being involved in the New Age for over 25 years, as highlighted in the book “ Prodigal Daughters” (Ignatius Press) and chronicled in her first book, Ransomed from Darkness. Moira is a popular international speaker, witnessing and evangelizing at conferences, seminars, seminaries, monasteries, retreat centers, parishes as well as religious television and radioMoira supports Fr. Denis with personal stories and examples of her life of witnessing to family, friends, and loved ones.


St. Joseph’s Church            

114 High Street

 Medford, MA 02155

Saturday, October 15th, 2016

8:30 AM 3:30 PM

$25 per person, includes hot lunch

$50 per Family (Husband, Wife, Children)

Register at St. Joseph’s

Or St. Francis’ Parish Office

or mail check to ELRN

P.O. Box 589 Medford, MA 02155

No tickets sold at door, register by October 12


Schedule of Events:

8:30 AM Welcoming Coffee at Social Center

9:00 AM Opening Talk by Fr. Denis Phaneuf (Church)

Mass of Healing followed by Blessing with Oil

Confession available

12:00 PM Fatima Rosary in front of Church

Lunch at Social Center

1:15 PM Talk by Moira Noonan (in Church)

Q & A session, Books, Medals, Religious Articles Available

3:00 PM Chaplet of Mercy, Enthronement to the Divine Mercy, Closing

               Sunday, October 16 2016

WQPH 89.3 FM welcomes You… Are you called   to come?


   For Those Seeking Healing of Mind, Body, or Spirit

                           Madonna of the Holy Rosary

                                118 Theresa St, Fitchburg, MA 01420

With Fr. Denis Phaneuf and Moira Noonan, Lay Evangelist

Sunday, October 16th, 2016

2:30 PM 6:00 PM

            God is Rich in Mercy

WQPH 89.3 FM

Are Fr. Denis Phaneuf has been a priest for 50 years in the Diocese of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. He is a member of the Marian Movement of Priests. He served on the International Fraternity of the Catholic Charismatic Communities under the direction of the Vatican Council of the Laity. He was an advisor on the Vatican consultation on Exorcism and Deliverance Ministry held in Rome.

Moira Noonan was called by Jesus and Mary back into the Catholic faith after being involved in the New Age for over 25 years, as highlighted in the book “ Prodigal Daughters” (Ignatius Press) and chronicled in her first book, Ransomed from Darkness. Moira is a popular international speaker, witnessing and evangelizing at conferences, seminars, seminaries, monasteries, retreat centers, parishes as well as religious television and radioMoira supports Fr. Denis with personal stories and examples of her life of witnessing to family, friends, and loved ones.

Schedule of Events:

2:30 PM Welcoming Coffee in Hall

3:00 PM Prayers for Healing,

Divine Mercy Chaplet

3:30 PM Opening Talk by Fr. Denis Phaneuf (Church)

Mass of Healing followed by Anointing and Deliverance Service

5:00 PM Talk by Moira Noonan

5:45 PM Enthronement of Families to the Divine Mercy and for World Peace, Closing

*Books, Religious Articles Available for Purchase

Free Will Offerings Gratefully Accepted

Suggested Offering: $10


                                    Monday, October 17, 2016
Saint Adelaide Parish

                                                  712 Lowell St.

                                                           Peabody, MA. 01960

                                           Phone 978-535-1985 Fax: 978-535-4845

                                             Email Stadelaidemarie@verizon.net

                                                 Website www.saintadalaide.com
                                                            9:00 am- 3:00pm

 Please join Fr. Denis Phaneuf, a Marian Priest and Moira Noonan.

 a popular International Speaker, for a mass of Healing of Healing Followed, by a blessing talk by Fr. Phaneuf.

Mass will start at 9:00 am Following Mass, there will  a brief 
Coffee break. And then a talk, by Fr. Denis. After Father’s talk, the

Rosary will be Prayed. And Please join us for a light lunch. After Lunch, Moira Noonan will talk.

And the day will end With Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

Books and Material will be available!!
Confession will be Available!!

No fees, a Good Will Offering would be much Appreciated.



 a popular International Speaker, for a mass of Healing of Healing Followed, by a blessing talk by Fr. Phaneuf.

Mass will start at 9:00 am Following Mass, there will  a brief 
Coffee break. And then a talk, by Fr. Denis. After Father’s talk, the

Rosary will be Prayed. And Please join us for a light lunch. After Lunch, Moira Noonan will talk.

And the day will end With Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

Books and Material will be available!!
Confession will be Available!!

No fees, a Good Will Offering would be much Appreciated.



 a popular International Speaker, for a mass of Healing of Healing Followed, by a blessing talk by Fr. Phaneuf.

Mass will start at 9:00 am Following Mass, there will  a brief 
Coffee break. And then a talk, by Fr. Denis. After Father’s talk, the

Rosary will be Prayed. And Please join us for a light lunch. After Lunch, Moira Noonan will talk.

And the day will end With Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

Books and Material will be available!!
Confession will be Available!!

No fees, a Good Will Offering would be much Appreciated.



No fees, a Good Will Offering would be much Appreciated.


September 2-4, 2016    SCRC Catholic Renewal Convention, SCRC. ORG    Anaheim, California

September 6, 2016    St. Peter Catholic Church Womans Luncheon       Fallbrook, California     

September 9-11,  2016    Benedictine Oblate Retreat,   Prince of Peace Abbey    Oceanside, California

October 14-18,    2016       Divine Mercy Retreat of Healing and Forgiveness with Fr. Denis Phaneuf,   St. Joseph Catholic Church, Medford, Massachusetts,

Eternal Life Catholic Radio Talks, various locations, Boston, MA.

October 20-22,    2016      Divine Mercy Retreat of Healing and Forgivness with Fr. Denis Phaneuf,   Immaculate Conception Catholic Church,  Vancouver BC, CA.

October 23-30th, 2016     Healing Pilgrimage to French Canadian Shrines with Fr. Denis Phaneuf,    Please see web announcement…..

July 31st through August 5th, 2016

The Medjugorje YouthFest


June 25th and 26th, 2016

The  Annual Santo Nino Cruzada Spiritual Retreat at the Prince of Peace Abbey,

Oceanside , California 

Retreat Speakers are Abbot Sharbel Ewen, OSB and
Moira Noonan, OSB, Oblate  

                                                  March 5.2016     

                   One-Day Lenten Retreat-Living in God’s Mercy    

                                   Date:       March 5, 2016 Saturday

      Time:       9:00am – 6:00pm

Location:  St. Michael Church

                              2643 Homedale Street, San Diego CA  92139


+The Divine Mercy of Forgiveness and How to Receive More of it in our Lives.

+God’s Gift of Healing, Free of Charge, for Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical Healing.

+Outpouring of Graces from the Divine Mercy, HIS Calling, and Witness to HIS Divine Mercy.

+Formal Consecration to the Divine Mercy and Enthronement to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

+Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

  (These Consecrations will be for ourselves, our families, our homes or place of business.)


Retreat Master/Speaker: Fr. Dennis Phaneuf

     Born in Prince Albert Saskatchewan, Saskatoon November 8, 1940. Ordained June 5, 1965 and has since been active in the Catholic Charismatic renewal to this day; active pastor for 48 years in the Diocese of Saskatoon.  Member of Emmanuel Catholic Int’l Community, National Canadian Catholic Renewal Service Committee, served on the Int’l Brotherhood of Communities and Int’l Fraternity of Catholic Charismatic Communities and Fellowship under the direction of the Vatican Council of the Laity.  Was one of the advisors on the Vatican consultation on Exorcism and the Deliverance Ministry held in Rome.  A renowned speaker in conferences, workshops, seminars and has exercised the ministry of teaching and healing. Assisted in the founding of Catholic Bible School in Canada and a house of healing for people with addiction problems.  Member of the Int’l Catholic Charismatic Community of Emmanuel.  Currently semi-retired and serving as assistant at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Saskatoon SK.


Guest Speaker:  Moira Noonan

     Author of the book Ransomed from Darkness, a detailed account of her conversion from New age of over 20 years to Catholic faith and Christian life.  Called by Jesus and Mary back into the faith, from darkness into the light, from deceit of the enemy to the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, through the power of Divine Love and Mercy.  She just released her new book, Spiritual Deceptions.  A popular speaker in Christian Communities, witnessing and evangelizing publicly to youth and adults via cable and radio stations worldwide. 


(A love offering for Speakers, St Michael Church and the Divine Mercy Ministry will be greatly appreciated.) 

*******************************Please Bring Your Lunch*******************************

                                                      March 19, 2016

                                  Healing and Forgiveness through God’s Mercy

                   Year of Divine Mercy Retreat with Fr. Denis Phaneuf and Moria Noonan


                                                 Friday March 18, 7-9 PM

                                            Saturday, March 19, 9AM-4PM


                                            St. John Neumann Catholic Church,

                                             801 Tom Smith Rd. Lilburn, GA.

No Registration. FREE for all. Bring your own lunch or purchase fast food.

(Your generous love offering will be greatly appreciated by the speakers and the church.)

For further info, call Anne—770-921-1634 or Laurie—404-229-2694

Come and experience:




FRIDAY EVENING: A time of Mercy, Healing/Forgiveness Service 

SATURDAY: Forgiveness/Mercy-St. Faustina’s Message God’s Mercy, Deliverance & Freedom Miracle Stories of God’s Mercy, Moria Noonan Forgiveness/Healing Service Divine Mercy Chaplet Enthronement to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Divine Mercy

Fr. Phaneuf has been a priest for 50 years in the Diocese of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. He is a member of the Marian Movement of Priests. He served on the International Fraternity of the Catholic Charismatic Communities under the direction of the Vatican Council of the Laity. He was an advisor on the Vatican consultation on Exorcism and Deliverance Ministry held in Rome. He served on the local, diocesan, Saskatchewan, Western Canadian and National Canadian Catholic Renewal Service committees for many years.

Moria Noonan was called by Jeus and Mary back into the Catholic faith after being involved I the New Age for over 25 years, as highlighted in the book Prodigal Daughters (Ignatius Press) and chronicled in her first book, Ransomed from Darkness. Moria is a popular international speaker, witnessing and evangelizing at conferences, seminars, seminaries, monasteries, retreat centers, parishes as well as religious television and radio.. Moria supports Fr. Denis with personal stories and examples of her life of witnessing to family, friends, and loved ones. Her latest book “Spiritual Deceptions” is co-authored with Anne Feaster a member of SJN Parish.


JANUARY 11, 2016 

Healing prayer training session with be in the St Therese MAIN CHURCH 6:30 PM , San Diego, California, Monday Jan 11. 

We will have a guest speaker – Moira Noonan.  Moira spent many years deep as a leader in the New Age movement before converting to the Catholic faith.  As a result she has many insights into dangerous and deceptive practices that will be helpful for us to understand in our ministry.  I have asked Moira to share;

- A bit of her history in the new age movement and conversion to the Catholic faith.

- Most common New Age practices we are likely to encounter in people we are praying over.  Also - what is it about each one that is bad?  And how do we discern if they are present? 

Come ready with questions about specific practices that you may be personally unsure of.  For instance you may want another view on an area that Fr Greg brought up, or you may be puzzled by a friend who is into something you aren’t quite sure about.  It is my hope that this talk flows into an interactive and open discussion.  My goal is that each of us come out a bit more educated and ready to deal with deceptive practices.

February 25,26,27,28, 2016
Divine Mercy Retreat  at City of The Lord, Tempe, Arizona 

March 11,12,13 , 2016 
Divine Mercy Retreat at Gethsemanie Ministries, Toronto and Niagra Falls, Canada 

March 18,19th , 2016
Divine Mercy Retreat

April 2016
Divine Mercy Retreat , San Diego, Califonia   

dates and Flyers to follow soon………..

                                                          2015 Schedule

JANUARY 10,  2015

FEBRUARY 14,2015
SEE MORE INFORMATION AT  www.maryschild.com

FEBRUARY 19,20,21,22 ,

FEBRUARY 27, 28,  2015

March 7, 2015

                         DIVINE MERCY HILLS FOUNDATION

                            OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC.

                                                   6628 Santa Isabel St,, Carlsbad, CA 92009

                                                       Tel # (619) 890-2789; (805) 252 5669

                                                    Jesus, I Trust in You

      One Day L E N T E N R E T R E A T

         A day rich in food for the Body, Mind, Heart, Soul and Spirit

                     Date: March 7, 2015 Saturday

    Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (Confessions 4:30; Mass 5:30pm)

        Location: St. Elizabeth Seton Conference Center

                                    6628 Santa Isabel St, Carlsbad, CA 92009

*The Divine Mercy of Forgiveness and How to Receive More of it in Our Lives.

*God’s Gift of Healing, Free of Charge, for Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical Healing.

*Outpouring of graces from the Divine Mercy, HIS calling, and Witness to HIS Divine Mercy.

* Formal Consecration to the Divine Mercy and Enthronement to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

* Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

(These Consecrations will be for us, our Families, our Homes or place of business. Bring your own

Images/Icons OR purchase our Images available at the door).

Retreat Master/Speaker: Fr. Denis Phaneuf

Born in Prince Albert Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Nov. 8, 1940. Ordained June5, 1965 and has since been active in the Catholic Charismatic renewal to this day; active pastor for 48 years in the Diocese of Saskatoon. Member of Emmanuel Catholic Int’l Community, National Canadian Catholic Renewal Service committee, served on the Int’l Brotherhood of

Communities and Int’l Fraternity of Catholic Charismatic Communities and Fellowships under the direction of the Vatican Council of the Laity. Was one of the advisors on the Vatican consultation on Exorcism and the Deliverance Ministry held in Rome. A renowned speaker in

conferences, workshops, seminars and has exercised the ministry of teaching and healing. Assisted in the founding of Catholic Bible Schools in Canada and a house of healing for people with addiction problems. Member of the Int’l Catholic Charismatic Community of Emmanuel.

Currently semi-retired and serving as assistant at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Saskatoon SK.

Guest Speaker: Moira Noonan

Author of the book Ransomed from Darkness, a detailed account of her conversion from New Age of over 20 years to Catholic faith and Christian life. Called by Jesus and Mary back into the faith, from darkness into the Light, from deceit of the enemy to the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,  through the power of Divine Love and Mercy. She just released her

new book, Spiritual Deceptions. A popular speaker in Christian Communities, witnessing and evangelizing publicly to youth and adults via cable and radio stations worldwide.

(A Love Offering for Speakers, St. Elizabeth Seton Church and the Divine Mercy Ministry will be appreciated.)


March 14 2015

 Dynamic Woman of Grace of Ontario to D Pilarski, 1077 North

Service Rd, unit 29, Box 20020, Mississauga, Ont L4yY 4L2 early bird $40 before

February 20, 2015 $45 after  dynamicwomanfaith@yahoo.ca or call (970) 270-7702



In the Church and the Culture

A Retreat on Discernment

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Come hear Moira Noonan,

former New Age practitioner, now Catholic revert, talk about the topics

presented in her latest book on Spiritual Deceptions and lean how to recognize and discern them. Get an opportunity to buy her book

and have it personally signed by her.

                                        May 15, 16 & 17, 2015


                                                Betania II Retreat Center

                  154 Summer Street Medway, MA 02053





This Retreat is designed to help heal relationships and issues that have been handed down through generations. Learn how our negative habits, behaviors and unrepented sins enslave and bind us and our families to patterns of excessive fears, anger, resentments, phobias, addictions to drugs and alcohol, aversions, diseases, sexual perversions or drives, suicides, etc. that are difficult to prevent or control. prevent or control.


 Daily Mass * Lessons on sin and our image of God, the Cardinal & Access Points that bind us and how to break those bonds * Adoration * Renunciation * Reconciliation * Deliverance * Healing Mass Please bring containers of salt, olive oil, water and religious articles for blessing






Moira Noonan is a renowned international speaker on Spiritual Warfare, the New Age Movement and Generational Healing. She is the author of �Ransomed from Darkness� and �Spiritual Deceptions: A Comprehensive Guide to Discernment



Oblate Fr. Romain Rurangirwa,


Co-founder of Roots of Healing for Abundant Life is from the Diocese of Butare, Rwanda and Parochial Vicar at St. Irene�s Church in Carlisle, MA. He is a survivor of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. After a trip to Medjugorje in 2010, and a Healing of the Family seminar with Fr. Yozefu Ssemakula, he began serving in the Inter-Generational Healing and Deliverance Ministry. His talks on forgiveness and reconciliation can be found on YouTube and Mary TV.


Monica Shay is a Spiritual Direction Intern working toward certification. Following a trip to Medjugorje in 2010 and a powerful spiritual/physical healing at a Healing of the Family seminar with Fr. Yozefu Ssemakula, she began working with Fr. Romain in the Inter-Generational Healing and Deliverance Ministry. She is Co-founder of Roots of Healing for Abundant Life Ministry




Beginning Friday, May 15, 6:00-9:30


Saturday, May 16, 9:00 am-9:15 pm


Sunday, May 17, 9:00 am-6:30 pm


Lodging and meals: $190.00 per person for double room; $240.00 single room Commuters: Love offering + $50 optional for 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches & Saturday dinner


To register contact: (774) 245-0080







 Lodging and Commuter deadline May 13, 2015 Persons registered will be on a list at check-in Walk-ins welcome, but may not be able to partake in meals.





       WSFI 88.5 FM  
        Financial Life


Healing the

Whole Person

Whole Person

October 10, 2015

8:00 am —4:00 pm

am —4:00 pm

Marytown, 1600 W. Park Ave., Libertyville, IL


Fr. John Grigus OFM.Conv.

Rector, Marytown


Fr. Bob Sears, S.J.

Spiritual Director

Healing the Family Tree

Fr. Jim Curtin

Pastor St. Dennis, Lockport, IL


Fr. Bill McCarthy

Retreat Director

Inner Healing

Four priests who are faithful to the Magisterium of the Church, will each give a talk on an area of healing followed by questions from the audience. The first half-hour of each session will be recorded for broadcast by WSFI Catholic Radio.

Yes! Please register me for "Healing the Whole Person." Cost $60 (Includes Lunch) Enclosed is: $__________ Limited to 100 persons. Make checks payable to BVM Helping Hands.

Please register me for "Healing the Whole Person." Cost $60 (Includes Lunch) Enclosed is: $__________ Limited to 100 persons. Make checks payable to BVM Helping Hands.

Name(s) ___________________________________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________________________

Phone/Email _______________________________________________________________________

Charge to: Visa MasterCard Exp. ____ /____ CVC# _________

Card# _________________________________Signature ___________________________________


7:30 am Mass Available

8:00 Registration

8:30 Fr. Bill McCarthy & Mary Alice Rossini

9:30 Fr. Bob Sears,s.j.

11:00 Fr. Jim Curtin

12:00 pm Mass/Confession/ Healing Prayer Available

12:45 pm Lunch & Free Time Personal witness by Moira Noonan, former New Age and occult practitioner, now a Catholic revert.

2:00 Fr. John Grigus, ofm conv.

3:00 Chaplet of Divine Mercy

3:15 Closing Panel


7:30 am Mass Available

8:00 Registration

8:30 Fr. Bill McCarthy & Mary Alice Rossini

9:30 Fr. Bob Sears,s.j.

11:00 Fr. Jim Curtin

12:00 pm Mass/Confession/ Healing Prayer Available

12:45 pm Lunch & Free Time Personal witness by Moira Noonan, former New Age and occult practitioner, now a Catholic revert.

2:00 Fr. John Grigus, ofm conv.

3:00 Chaplet of Divine Mercy

3:15 Closing Panel

For more information contact: info@WSFIradio.org • 224-789-8455

M a i l t o : W S F I • P O B o x 8 8 5 , L i b e r t y v i l l e , I L • R e g i s t e r O n l i n e a t W S F I r a d i o . o rg

About the Presenters and Their Topics

Healing our Family Tree

Many of our gifts and hurts find roots in our families. Jesus has come to heal not just us individually, but also our families and ancestors. Jesus has provided a way of healing, by giving us, through His resurrection and our Baptism, His own family to be our new healed family. As we repent and are open to that new Holy Family, we can intercede for our extended family tree.

any of our gifts and hurts find roots in our families. Jesus has come to heal not just us individually, but also our families and ancestors. Jesus has provided a way of healing, by giving us, through His resurrection and our Baptism, His own family to be our new healed family. As we repent and are open to that new Holy Family, we can intercede for our extended family tree.

Father Bob Sears, S.J.

Father Bob, a former professor of theology and psychotherapy, is a much-in-demand spiritual director, counselor, workshop and retreat presenter and writer on various aspects of healing. He is past president of ACTheals (www.actheals.org) an association dedicated to bringing Jesus’ healing to healthcare providers. His articles and writings are available on his website: www.familytreehealing.com

Inner Healing of the Soul

Father Bill and his pastoral associate, Mary Alice Rossini, will share how faith heals our worldview, our worries and our fears, how hope heals addictions, how God’s love heals loneliness, rejection and a poor self-image and how Christ’s forgiveness heals sin, guilt and unforgiveness. In their talk they will share how we grow in faith, hope and forgiveness by living according to the principles of healing that St. John Paul II called for in the New Evangelization.

ather Bill and his pastoral associate, Mary Alice Rossini, will share how faith heals our worldview, our worries and our fears, how hope heals addictions, how God’s love heals loneliness, rejection and a poor self-image and how Christ’s forgiveness heals sin, guilt and unforgiveness. In their talk they will share how we grow in faith, hope and forgiveness by living according to the principles of healing that St. John Paul II called for in the New Evangelization.

Father Bill McCarthy

Father Bill is a dynamic and charismatic preacher whose wonderful sense of humor and joy for life exude from him. He has been giving parish missions for over 20 years and has spoken at 300 parishes throughout the United States. Father Bill is the co-founder and director of My Father’s House, A Spiritual Life and Retreat Center in Moodus, Connecticut. Fr. Bill is a member of the Missionaries of Holy Apostles.

Mary Alice Rossini is a Catholic lay evangelist who works side by side with Fr. Bill McCarthy at My Father’s Retreat House. She is the co-author of A Catholic Compendium of Inner Healing with Father Bill and is featured on In His Name, a Catholic TV program in southern New England. Mary Alice holds a Master’s Degree in psychiatric nursing.

is a Catholic lay evangelist who works side by side with Fr. Bill McCarthy at My Father’s Retreat House. She is the co-author of A Catholic Compendium of Inner Healing with Father Bill and is featured on In His Name, a Catholic TV program in southern New England. Mary Alice holds a Master’s Degree in psychiatric nursing.


In 1920 Our Lady of Fatima said to Jacinta, one of the three seers, "the majority of people who go to hell do so because of the sin of lust." If that was true in 1917, how much more is it true now when pornography is readily available over the internet. As a confessor, I have discovered this to be the predominant sin people confess, yet little has been done to help free people of this evil addiction. It is evil because it is a sin that directly affects the desires of the heart, violating the prime commandment: "You shall love your God with all your heart, mind and souls; and you shall love your neighbor as yourself." Father John will address the nature of this evil and offer remedies for being delivered from it—so that one can experience true healing and peace through it.

n 1920 Our Lady of Fatima said to Jacinta, one of the three seers, "the majority of people who go to hell do so because of the sin of lust." If that was true in 1917, how much more is it true now when pornography is readily available over the internet. As a confessor, I have discovered this to be the predominant sin people confess, yet little has been done to help free people of this evil addiction. It is evil because it is a sin that directly affects the desires of the heart, violating the prime commandment: "You shall love your God with all your heart, mind and souls; and you shall love your neighbor as yourself." Father John will address the nature of this evil and offer remedies for being delivered from it—so that one can experience true healing and peace through it.

Father John Grigus OFM.Conv

Father John is a Conventual Franciscan of the St. Bonaventure Province. In May of 2014 he was elected as Vicar Provincial and became new Rector of the Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe at Marytown, where he was welcomed back with open arms. Father John ministered at Marytown for many years, directing the Perpetual Adoration Program and Media Communications. He then worked in other parishes, traveled extensively giving retreats and missions and was a weekly contributor to Relevant Radio’s Inner Life program.


Jesus, at the beginning of His ministry, told His Twelve, "As you go make this proclamation: ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers and drive out demons"—Mt 10:7. Deliverance has been a part of the Church since the beginning. It’s part of the calling of Jesus to bring healing to people. How demons affect our lives today: how to defend ourselves, protect ourselves and be delivered.

esus, at the beginning of His ministry, told His Twelve, "As you go make this proclamation: ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers and drive out demons"—Mt 10:7. Deliverance has been a part of the Church since the beginning. It’s part of the calling of Jesus to bring healing to people. How demons affect our lives today: how to defend ourselves, protect ourselves and be delivered.

Father Jim Curtin

To know Father Jim is to love him! He has been a pastor of St. Dennis Catholic Church in Lockport, IL, for 18 years and involved in the healing ministry for 40 years, giving retreats and healing conferences. Every Sunday after the 9:15 and 11 AM Masses, Father Jim and his prayer team offer a laying on of hands and prayers for healing in the sanctuary at St. Dennis.



Pope Francis declared an Extraordinary Jubilee dedicated to Divine Mercy

(December 8, 2015-Nov. 20,2016)


Preparing for the Jubilee Year of Mercy

Divine Mercy Mission

“Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. (cf. Lk 6:36)”

Healing and Forgiveness Through God’s Mercy

Freedom from Bondage


Receive the grace to be set free and remove the barriers to healing yourself and your family from the following:


Unforgiveness - towards God and fellow human creatures.

Addictions - alcohol, drugs, substance abuse, pornography, sex, anger, gambling, food, shopping, smoking, body image, TV, internet, video games, etc.

Superstition - the irrational assumption that certain sayings, actions, events, and objects contain magic powers or produce magical effects. (YOUCAT., #196)

Idolatry - divinizing what is not God. Man commits idolatry whenever he honors of revers a creature in place of God, whether this be gods or demons (e.g. satanism), power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money, etc. “You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Mt. 6:24) (CCC #2112)

Divination and magic - recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices, falsely supposed to “unveil” the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums. (CCC #2116) All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, so as to place them at one’s service and have a supernatural power over others-even if this were for the sake of restoring their health-are gravely contrary to the virtue of religion. (CCC #2117)

Irreligion - tempting God, in words or deeds, sacrilege (profaning or treating unworthily the sacraments and other liturgical actions, as well as persons, things or places consecrated to God) or simony* (the buying or selling of spiritual things). (CCC #2118-2121)

Spiritual, emotional, mental and physical problems.


"It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners." (Mark 2:17)


*The Divine Mercy of Forgiveness and How to Receive More of it in Our Lives. 

*God’s Gift of Healing, Free of Charge, for Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical Healing. 

*Outpouring of graces from the Divine Mercy, HIS calling, and Witness to HIS Divine Mercy.  

* Formal Consecration to the Divine Mercy and Enthronement to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  

* Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (These Consecrations will be for ourselves, our Families, our Homes or place of business.  

Bring your own Images/Icons or purchase our Images available at the door). 




Fr. Denis Phaneuf                 

Priest for 50 years in the Diocese of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Member of the Marian Movement of Priests. Served on the International Fraternity of the Catholic Charismatic Communities under the direction of the Vatican Council of the Laity. Was one of the advisors on the Vatican consultation on Exorcism and Deliverance Ministry held in Rome. Served on the local, diocesan, Saskatchewan, western Canadian and National Canadian Catholic Renewal Service committees for many years. A much sought-after international speaker in conferences, retreats, workshops and seminars and experienced in the ministry of teaching and healing. Assisted in the founding of several Catholic bible schools in Western Canada and a house of healing for people with addiction problems. Member of the international Emmanuel Community, a Catholic association of the faithful, of Pontifical right, whose aim is to respond to God’s call to holiness, mainly through intense personal prayer, Eucharistic adoration, compassion for the spiritually and materially poor and evangelization. Currently semi-retired and serving as assistant at St. Paul’s Co-Cathedral in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.




Moira Noonan, osb

Called by Jesus and Mary back into the Catholic faith through the power of Divine Love and Mercy after being involved in the New Age for over 25 years, as chronicled in her first book, “Ransomed from Darkness”, translated into six languages. She is a popular international speaker in Christian communities, witnessing and evangelizing publicly to youth and adults at conference, seminars, seminaries, monasteries, retreat centres, parishes as well as religious cable and radio. Moira Noonan supports Fr. Denis Phaneuf with personal stories and examples of her life of witnessing to family, friends, and loved ones of freedom from the bondage of sin. She is the daughter of an alcoholic and abusive father and a mother fascinated with superstition and idolatry who was raised with the false notion that promiscuity and prochoice was an acceptable lifestyle. Moira came from a cradle Catholic family that got ensnared into the popular culture and became apostate from traditional Christian values. She is a lay witness to living in the communion of saints and the sacraments and sacramentals of the Church in overcoming idolatry, superstition, addiction, psychic practices and unforgiveness. She is a certified Catechist (Diocese of San Diego), Spiritual Director (Benedictine Monastery, San Luis Obispo, CA) and graduate of the Institute and Discipleship Program (Cincinnati, OH). Her newest book is “Spiritual Deceptions: A Comprehensive Guide to Discernment”.




Other Talks by Fr. Denis Phaneuf and Moira Noonan


Fr. Denis Phaneuf

Healing and Forgiveness

Renunciation and Reconciliation

The Mercy of God: Setting the Captives Free

Healing the Affects left by Sin on Ourselves and our Families

Deliverance and Setting the Captives Free

Enthronement and Consecration Ceremony for your Home and Office

Consecrations for Personal and Family Protection

Healing Mass or Mass and healing Service

Q & A, time permitting



Spiritual Direction

One-on-One Prayer time during and after Retreat, time-permitting


Moira Noonan

Personal Testimony

Ransomed from Darkness and the Battle for Souls

Spiritual Warfare

New Age affecting Christian Faith

Evangelize by Example

Conversion Stories of Hope

Discernment of Spirits: Charismatic Gifts vs. Counterfeit Gifts Part 1 and Part 2

Healing with the Gifts of the Holy Spirits vs. Alternative Energy Healing with Spirit Guides and How to Discern the Difference’  Part 1 and Part 2

Spiritual Warfare: How to Recognize it and How to get Protection for Ourselves, our Families, our Workplace

The Vatican Document:  “Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life, A Christian Reflection on the New Age”, Part 1 and Part 2  

“My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge” (Hosea 4:6)

Come Learn to Discern

Spiritual Deceptions in Our Church and in Our Culture: A Comprehensive Guide to Discernment

The New Age Movement and the Battle for Souls

Freedom from Bondage of Spirits (“Setting the captives Free”)


Healing of our Souls in the Battle 

Enthronements to the Sacred Heart and to the Divine Mercy for Families, Homes and Office 

Consecrations for Protection of Home and Family

Q & A, time-permitting



Some of her recent talks included the following subject matter:


Discerning the spirits of the culture affecting us today

- General overview of the seductive influences pervading our culture today including alternative therapies (energy healing, eastern-style meditations, etc)

- What’s Christian and what’s not? 

- Learn how to discern Christian teachings and practices from false spirituality


Stories of hope: bringing your family and loved ones back to the faith.

- What’s a parent to do?

- Real stories and practical examples of and ways to evangelize family, friends and loved ones into the faith using the tools of prayer and sacramentals and events to change lives.

- Protecting ourselves and and our families in the spirit of St. Maximilian Kolbe

- The message of hope through education and consecration


The Prayer Power of Youth and Young Adults

- Moira Noonan discusses miracle conversion stories through the eyes of her teenage daughter praying her mother, father, grandmother, and family doctor into the Catholic Church.

Build your prayer power; learn how to pray with the communion of saints.

Make use of the sacramentals of the Church.

Q & A Session

Discover the power of prayer in your life; hear miracle stories to open your heart; come to believe that “with God all things are possible.” (Mt. 19:26)

Pope Francis declared an Extraordinary Jubilee dedicated to Divine Mercy

(December 8, 2015-Nov. 20,2016)


Preparing for the Jubilee Year of Mercy

Divine Mercy Mission

“Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. (cf. Lk 6:36)”

Healing and Forgiveness Through God’s Mercy

Freedom from Bondage


Receive the grace to be set free and remove the barriers to healing yourself and your family from the following:


Unforgiveness - towards God and fellow human creatures.

Addictions - alcohol, drugs, substance abuse, pornography, sex, anger, gambling, food, shopping, smoking, body image, TV, internet, video games, etc.

Superstition - the irrational assumption that certain sayings, actions, events, and objects contain magic powers or produce magical effects. (YOUCAT., #196)

Idolatry - divinizing what is not God. Man commits idolatry whenever he honors of revers a creature in place of God, whether this be gods or demons (e.g. satanism), power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money, etc. “You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Mt. 6:24) (CCC #2112)

Divination and magic - recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices, falsely supposed to “unveil” the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums. (CCC #2116) All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, so as to place them at one’s service and have a supernatural power over others-even if this were for the sake of restoring their health-are gravely contrary to the virtue of religion. (CCC #2117)

Irreligion - tempting God, in words or deeds, sacrilege (profaning or treating unworthily the sacraments and other liturgical actions, as well as persons, things or places consecrated to God) or simony* (the buying or selling of spiritual things). (CCC #2118-2121)

Spiritual, emotional, mental and physical problems.


"It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners." (Mark 2:17)


*The Divine Mercy of Forgiveness and How to Receive More of it in Our Lives. 

*God’s Gift of Healing, Free of Charge, for Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical Healing. 

*Outpouring of graces from the Divine Mercy, HIS calling, and Witness to HIS Divine Mercy.  

* Formal Consecration to the Divine Mercy and Enthronement to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  

* Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (These Consecrations will be for ourselves, our Families, our Homes or place of business.  

Bring your own Images/Icons or purchase our Images available at the door). 




Fr. Denis Phaneuf                 

Priest for 50 years in the Diocese of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Member of the Marian Movement of Priests. Served on the International Fraternity of the Catholic Charismatic Communities under the direction of the Vatican Council of the Laity. Was one of the advisors on the Vatican consultation on Exorcism and Deliverance Ministry held in Rome. Served on the local, diocesan, Saskatchewan, western Canadian and National Canadian Catholic Renewal Service committees for many years. A much sought-after international speaker in conferences, retreats, workshops and seminars and experienced in the ministry of teaching and healing. Assisted in the founding of several Catholic bible schools in Western Canada and a house of healing for people with addiction problems. Member of the international Emmanuel Community, a Catholic association of the faithful, of Pontifical right, whose aim is to respond to God’s call to holiness, mainly through intense personal prayer, Eucharistic adoration, compassion for the spiritually and materially poor and evangelization. Currently semi-retired and serving as assistant at St. Paul’s Co-Cathedral in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.




Moira Noonan, osb

Called by Jesus and Mary back into the Catholic faith through the power of Divine Love and Mercy after being involved in the New Age for over 25 years, as chronicled in her first book, “Ransomed from Darkness”, translated into six languages. She is a popular international speaker in Christian communities, witnessing and evangelizing publicly to youth and adults at conference, seminars, seminaries, monasteries, retreat centres, parishes as well as religious cable and radio. Moira Noonan supports Fr. Denis Phaneuf with personal stories and examples of her life of witnessing to family, friends, and loved ones of freedom from the bondage of sin. She is the daughter of an alcoholic and abusive father and a mother fascinated with superstition and idolatry who was raised with the false notion that promiscuity and prochoice was an acceptable lifestyle. Moira came from a cradle Catholic family that got ensnared into the popular culture and became apostate from traditional Christian values. She is a lay witness to living in the communion of saints and the sacraments and sacramentals of the Church in overcoming idolatry, superstition, addiction, psychic practices and unforgiveness. She is a certified Catechist (Diocese of San Diego), Spiritual Director (Benedictine Monastery, San Luis Obispo, CA) and graduate of the Institute and Discipleship Program (Cincinnati, OH). Her newest book is “Spiritual Deceptions: A Comprehensive Guide to Discernment”.




Other Talks by Fr. Denis Phaneuf and Moira Noonan


Fr. Denis Phaneuf

Healing and Forgiveness

Renunciation and Reconciliation

The Mercy of God: Setting the Captives Free

Healing the Affects left by Sin on Ourselves and our Families

Deliverance and Setting the Captives Free

Enthronement and Consecration Ceremony for your Home and Office

Consecrations for Personal and Family Protection

Healing Mass or Mass and healing Service

Q & A, time permitting



Spiritual Direction

One-on-One Prayer time during and after Retreat, time-permitting


Moira Noonan

Personal Testimony

Ransomed from Darkness and the Battle for Souls

Spiritual Warfare

New Age affecting Christian Faith

Evangelize by Example

Conversion Stories of Hope

Discernment of Spirits: Charismatic Gifts vs. Counterfeit Gifts Part 1 and Part 2

Healing with the Gifts of the Holy Spirits vs. Alternative Energy Healing with Spirit Guides and How to Discern the Difference’  Part 1 and Part 2

Spiritual Warfare: How to Recognize it and How to get Protection for Ourselves, our Families, our Workplace

The Vatican Document:  “Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life, A Christian Reflection on the New Age”, Part 1 and Part 2  

“My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge” (Hosea 4:6)

Come Learn to Discern

Spiritual Deceptions in Our Church and in Our Culture: A Comprehensive Guide to Discernment

The New Age Movement and the Battle for Souls

Freedom from Bondage of Spirits (“Setting the captives Free”)


Healing of our Souls in the Battle 

Enthronements to the Sacred Heart and to the Divine Mercy for Families, Homes and Office 

Consecrations for Protection of Home and Family

Q & A, time-permitting



Some of her recent talks included the following subject matter:


Discerning the spirits of the culture affecting us today

- General overview of the seductive influences pervading our culture today including alternative therapies (energy healing, eastern-style meditations, etc)

- What’s Christian and what’s not? 

- Learn how to discern Christian teachings and practices from false spirituality


Stories of hope: bringing your family and loved ones back to the faith.

- What’s a parent to do?

- Real stories and practical examples of and ways to evangelize family, friends and loved ones into the faith using the tools of prayer and sacramentals and events to change lives.

- Protecting ourselves and and our families in the spirit of St. Maximilian Kolbe

- The message of hope through education and consecration


The Prayer Power of Youth and Young Adults

- Moira Noonan discusses miracle conversion stories through the eyes of her teenage daughter praying her mother, father, grandmother, and family doctor into the Catholic Church.

Build your prayer power; learn how to pray with the communion of saints.

Make use of the sacramentals of the Church.

Q & A Session

Discover the power of prayer in your life; hear miracle stories to open your heart; come to believe that “with God all things are possible.” (Mt. 19:26)

Pope Francis declared an Extraordinary Jubilee dedicated to Divine Mercy

(December 8, 2015-Nov. 20,2016)


Novemer 4-6, 2015

Moira is visiting Minnesota and teaching the New Age and Catholicism.

Wednesday, November 4 – Family Faith Night at St. Bernard’s in Thief
River Falls, MN Mass 5:15, rosary 5:45, supper 6:00 and presentation
from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

Thursday, November 5 – Sacred Heart Catholic Church in East Grand
Forks, MN 7:00 p.m. for a parish talk

Friday, November 6 – Sacred Heart Catholic School in East Grand
Forks, MN 7-12 grade presentation 2:30-3:20 p.m.

Saturday, November 7 – St. Bernard’s in Thief River Falls, afternoon
teaching workshop from noon – 4:30

2014 Schedule


September 25th ,26th    

Sept 25thCome to St. Joseph's Prayer Center for an informal gathering on  Thursday,Sept.25 10:30am Rosary(sharp) 11:00am MASS Moira Speaks at 1PM 

Fri Sept 26th @ 7PM to listen to what Moira has to say about all that blocks us from hearing the truth that God wants to reveal to us.

St. Joseph's Prayer Center
312 Maple Ave, Patchogue NY, 11772

Friday Morning 26th 
St. Francis of Assisi
29 Northgate Drive 
Greenlawn, NY

Moira will speak after the 8:30 am Mass