VATICAN EXPOSES NEW AGE By Anne Feaster In the past thirty years, a false and alien spirituality has invaded our culture and found its way into
our Christian Churches as well. It is called New Age spirituality and it has us looking inside ourselves to find a Higher
Self or True Self to discover our divinity or “god” power. It borrows ideas from non-Christian religions such
as Hinduism and Buddhism, and mixes them with occult practices, which includes the manipulation of energies. It holds the
belief that god is an impersonal energy force. It is based on the heresies of Monism (all is one), Pantheism (everything and
everyone is god) and Gnosticism (salvation comes through secret knowledge and that matter is evil). To combat these dangerous errors, the Vatican has released a 62-page
document which exposes the beliefs and practices of the New Age. It is called Jesus Christ, the Bearer of the Water of
Life: A Christian Reflection on the New Age. It was written to inform Catholics of this growing problem, and to warn
them that New Age beliefs are contrary to Christian belief. The document states “People need and have a right to
reliable information on the differences between Christianity and the New Age” (#1.2) It goes on to say that “The
New Age is still very much alive and part of the current cultural scene.”(#1.5) Why is this so? The document gives
this reason: “The success of the New Age offers the Church a challenge. People feel the Christian religion no longer
offers them – or perhaps never gave them something they really need. The search which often leads people to the New
Age is a genuine yearning: for a deeper spirituality, for something which will touch their hearts, and for a way of making
sense of a confusing and often alienating world.” (#1.5) There are also believers who think it is permissible to
mix New Age beliefs with Christian beliefs. The document states that its “influence is clear from the rapidly growing
numbers of people who claim that it is possible to blend Christian and New Age by taking what strikes them as the best of
both. It is worth remembering that deviations within Christianity have also gone beyond traditional theism in accepting a
unilateral turn to self, and this would encourage such a blending of approaches. The important thing to note is that God is
reduced in certain New Age practices so as furthering the advancement of the individual”(#1.1) However, the document
explains that this cannot be done. It says “…..given the underlying vision of New Age religiosity, it is
on the whole difficult to reconcile it with Christian doctrine and spirituality. (#2) “John Paul II warns with
regard to the ‘return of ancient Gnostic ideas under the guise of the so-called New Age: We cannot delude ourselves
that this will lead toward a renewal of religion. It is only a new way of practicing Gnosticism.” (#1.4) It says,
“Since the New Age movement makes much of a communication with nature, of cosmic knowledge of a universal good –
thereby negating the revealed contents of the Christian faith – it cannot be viewed as positive or innocuous (harmless).” The document states, “It is essential to
bear in mind that people are involved with New Age in very different ways and on many different levels.” It goes
on to say “It seems that, for the most part, people are attracted to particular therapies or practices, without
going into their background, and others are simply occasional consumers of products which are labeled ‘New Age’.”
(#2.5) Listed below are some of the ideas, practices, and groups listed in the document as New Age:
Mantras, YOGA, Chakras, Self Healing, Color Healing, Sound Healing, Altered States of Consciousness, Cabbalism, New Age Music,
Ancient Egyptian occult practices, EST training course, Channeling, Acupuncture, Biofeedback, Chiropratic* Kinesiology, Homeopathy
Iridology, Some types of massage, Rebirth, Various Kinds of Body Work, (Orgonomy, Feldenkrais, Reflexology, Rolfing, Polarity
massage, Therapeutic touch, etc.) Meditation and Visualization, Nutritional therapies* Psychic healing, various kinds of herbal
medicine* Healing by crystals, Metals, Music or colors, Reincarnation therapies, Some Twelve Step Programs and self-help groups*
Sensory isolation, Fasting and Sleep Deprivation*, Holotropic breathing, Hypnosis, Wicca (Witchcraft), Parapsychological experiences,
Transcendental Meditation. Pantheism,
Gnosticism, Monism, Sufism, Lore of the Druids, Celtic Christianity, Mediaeval alchemy, Renaissance hermeticism, Reincarnation,
Cosmic Unity, Zen Buddhism, Hinduism, Karma, Transpersonal psychology Human Potential Movement, Feng-shui. Belief that believing
in the existence of evil can create only negativity and fear. No distinction between good and evil. No sin, just imperfect
knowledge. Belief in “friends” or “counselors” from the spirit world called “angels” or
avatars, Great White Brotherhood. Belief that we can create our own reality. Personal inner experience is the highest authority.
A sense of letting one’s individuality sink into the great ocean of being, a sense of harmony and fusion with the whole,
nature as a living being. Cosmos is animated by an Energy, and is seen as a organic whole. Cosmos is identified as a divine
Soul and Spirit. Belief that people are born with a divine spark. The fundamental idea is that ‘God’ is deep within
ourselves, or self-realization. The difference in creator and creation is called Dualism and it is thought to be an erroneous
concept. Belief in theosophy. Belief in evolution (also in a spiritual sense, that we are moving toward a fusion with the
divine.) Expansion of consciousness. The belief that the path to the inner universe is through the unconscious, Jungian psychology
(depth psychology) and the collective unconscious. The belief that one has access to former lives through dreams and meditation.
Right brain thinking. Continuum of consciousness, cosmic evolution, quest for unitive consciousness, getting in touch with
inner energy or cosmic energy. Belief that love is energy – a high frequency vibration. THE BELIEF THAT COSMIC ENERGY,
belief that the Higher Self is our real identity. (also called True Self) Divine energy is Christic energy. This Higher Self
is a bridge between God as divine Mind and humanity. The Higher Self contains the memories of earlier incarnations. Esotericism
(search for knowledge). Use magic (occult) to obtain power. All religions are the expression of the same reality. Age of Aquarius.
Want one-world government. Believe that looking within we can know the universe and change it. Global religion and new world
order. Worship of Mother Earth (Gaia) Radical ecology or the belief that the divinity of Mother Earth (Gaia) pervades the
whole of creation. The belief that Jesus is not God, but one of many historical manifestations of the cosmic and universal
Christ For New Age, the Cosmic Christ is seen as a pattern which can be repeated in many people, places, times; it is the
bearer of an enormous paradigm shift. It is ultimately a potential within us. Belief that the death of Jesus on the cross
is either denied or re-interpreted to exclude the idea that He, as Christ, could have suffered.
In a select Glossary (#7.2), the following New Age concepts, practices, or groups
are explained. They are: Age of Aquarius, Androgyny, Anthroposophy, Channeling, Christ, Crystals, Depth Psychology (Carl Jung),
Enneagram, Esotericism, Evolution, Expansion of consciousness, Feng-shui, Gnosis, Great White Brotherhood, Hermeticism, Holism,
Human Potential Movement, Initiation, Karma, Shamanism, Spiritualism, Theosophy, Transcendentalism, Wicca. It also lists those
who have had the most influence on New Agers. Among the list were TEILHARD DE CHARDIN, CARL JUNG, AND THOMAS MERTON. (#9.2) This document states that this list is not complete.
However, it does cover most of the New Age concepts and practices. *Those marked with the asterisk are NOT explained in the document. However, some Chiropractors use New
Age therapies. Others stay clear of the New Age, and many people benefit from their treatments. In regard to the herbs, some
doctors use “spiritually potenized” herbs that are prepared through psychic methods, and consumed orally. Many of the New Age ideas are taught in Catholic
retreat centers, parishes, and classrooms. The document addresses this problem. It says, “The Catholic Church has
its own very effective networks, which could be better used. For example, there is a large number of pastoral centers, cultural
centres and centres of spirituality. Ideally, these could also be used to address the confusion about New Age religiosity
in a variety of creative ways, such as providing a forum for discussion and study. It must be unfortunately admitted that
there are too many cases where Catholic centres of spirituality are actively involved in diffusing New Age religiosity
in the Church. This of course would have to be corrected, not only to stop the spread of confusion and error, but also that
they might be effective in promoting true Christian spirituality.” (#6.2) The document gives this important statement. “IT IS
BY THOSE WHO ARE FAITHFUL TO CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH.” (#4) This document can be accessed by typing in Sword
of Light & Truth Ministries, Inc. (770) 921-1634
Worship the Creator, not the creation
Moira Noonan "...because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie
and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen (Rom
1:25) The world is not our home. The green eco-spirituality movements, however, would
have us believe we are residents of "Mother Earth", known in ancient days as "Gaia". According to these
neo-pagan philosophies and spiritualities, we have to appease, protect, honour, and in some cases, worship this ancient goddess. As
we move from the Gaia goddess to Scripture it is revealed to us that the earth is not our final destiny; the world is not
our home, "For here we have no lasting city, but we are looking for the city that is to come" (Heb. 13:14).
Rather than being an end in itself, the earth is a temporary dwelling place for us as pilgrims on the journey to our true
home. In Genesis 1: 26-31, it is revealed by God that creation is given to us and entrusted to us. But the earth is God’s
creation—a place to take care of as stewards, not as tenants of goddess Gaia who can shake us off at any moment. Some
people think that human beings were the only ones that fell from grace when Adam and Eve were banished from paradise. They
forget nature fell from grace at the same time (Genesis 3:14-19). Young people are fascinated with Wicca and Witchcraft. They
are drawn to things like Harry Potter because of a mistaken notion that power from nature is okay since God made nature. But
nature fell from grace, so who’s hanging out with nature? Nature can be used by the demonic. We have seen the resurgence
of a fascination with nature spirits through practices and beliefs such as fairies, witches, warlocks, pagan rituals, Druid
revival, Stonehenge rituals, and all types of nature idolatry. Some treat nature as though it were divine. Since nature
is also fallen, it can be an open door to evil influences. We ask St. Michael to defend us in battle and, by the power of
God, to "cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls." Demons
can use nature too. In Ephesians 6:12 we read "we are not dealing with flesh and blood, but with principalities".
As Catholics we recognize the ability of evil spirits to inhabit nature, which is why we have patron saints against storms
such as St. Christopher, St. Barbara and St. Thomas Aquinas. We have our houses blessed and our land blessed for good crops,
not the other way around as in the case of water-witching or divining rods. We must never ask the land itself to bless us,
nor worship land, places or spaces in themselves. We must never ascribe power to the elements—to do any of this would
be worshipping creation rather than the Creator (Rom 1:25), a grave form of idolatry, and an open invitation for the demonic
to enter in. The First Commandment (Ex. 20: 4-6), and in fact all of Scripture, is consistent about the seriousness
of superstition, idolatry, divination and magic. This is expounded in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC
#2110-2117). For example, in an attempt to show cultural sensitivity, Disneyland Corporation hired a Feng Shui master to consult
on their design for the new Hong Kong Disneyland. They were advised to shift the angle of the front gate by 12 degrees and
to " put a bend in the walkway from the train station to the gate, to make sure the flow of positive energy, or chi,
does not slip past the entrance and out to the China Sea...Disney is including a ritual incense burning as each building is
finished, and it has picked what it was told is a lucky day, Sept. 12 [2005], for the opening" (Laura M. Holson, "Disney
Bows to Feng Shui", New York Times, April 25, 2005). The Feng Shui master ensured maximum prosperity if the
changes were implemented. Likewise, we need to guard against the rising influence of superstition and New Age practices
which tend towards divination and magic such as "conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to ‘unveil’
the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance,
and recourse to mediums" since they "all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis,
other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that
we owe to God alone" (CCC # 2116). For example, many well-meaning people have taken recourse to practices such
as "astro-cartography (locational astrology)", the positioning of a location according to the positioning of planets.
A similar attraction is "geomancy", a method of divination that interprets markings or lines on the ground. One
such example is the Geomancy Group in the U.K., whose home page clearly states, "It is vitally important for a human-made
structure to honour and make connections with the physical environment. This creates stability, acceptance by the spirit of
the land, and very real anchor lines which allow energy flow between the structure and surrounding landscape" (Ivan McBeth, Like Feng-Shui, geomancers promise to help balance the energies in your land or
space, but they also claim to be "like a gatekeeper who can create portals 'between the worlds'. If you want
to connect with the sacred, a geomancer can help you build that gate...Whether your sacred space is a single crystal, a personal
altar, a standing stone, medicine wheel, labyrinth, stone circle or something larger; geomancy can help you design, locate,
align and activate the space so that it connects with and enhances the natural energies of the earth" ( The
Catechism states, "Idolatry not only refers to false pagan worship. It remains a constant temptation to faith. Idolatry
consists in divinizing what is not God. Man commits idolatry whenever he honors and reveres a creature in place of God, whether
this be gods or demons (for example, satanism), power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money, etc. Jesus says, ‘You
cannot serve God and mammon.’ Many martyrs died for not adoring ‘the Beast’ refusing even to simulate such
worship. Idolatry rejects the unique Lordship of God; it is therefore incompatible with communion with God" (CCC
#2113). Whether it is a statue of Buddha in the garden, a money cat, totem pole, lucky charm, crystal, or Rosary hanging on
the rear-view mirror, we risk falling into the sin of idolatry and superstition whenever it replaces worship of the one true
God. Since "the environment" is part of the created world, we must guard against the rising tendency to give it
undue honour. We have been warned in Scripture, "For false messiahs and false prophets
will appear and produce great signs and omens, to lead astray, if possible, even the elect" (Matthew 24:24). The enemy
uses mainstream thought systems to get to the fair-minded. In discussing the incompatibility of the New Age and the Gospel,
" (Matthew 24:24). The enemy uses mainstream thought systems to get to the fair-minded. In discussing the
incompatibility of the New Age and the Gospel, Archbishop Norberto Rivera Carrera states the following in his Pastoral Instruction
on the New Age, "A Call to Vigilance" (Mexico City, Mexico, 1996): "Notwithstanding the fact that the
[New Age] Movement espouses a confused religious syncretism which is not always well-intentioned, some of its ideas have found
a warm reception among some people and institutions within the Catholic Church. The so-called ‘global theology’
traces the signs of divine revelation in all known religious expressions, in search of a common denominator that can serve
as a meeting point for religions. "In practice, unfortunately, this theology usually forgets that revelation is
God's initiative, not man's invention and that it has its culmination and definitive expression in the Incarnation
of the only Son in the historical person of Jesus of Nazareth; in this way, it often empties Christianity of its exceptional
content in order to put it on the same level as other beliefs. When this trend appears (openly or veiled) in the teaching
of certain seminaries and Catholic educational institutions, it can only cause a deep concern in the hearts of the faithful
and their bishops." After I completed the RCIA program, I was invited to breakfast after morning Mass and the Rosary
by some of my neighbours who were also parishioners. These were the kind of people you could ask for prayer, who attended
daily mass and Eucharistic Adoration. They wanted me to see their new home because they had recently had it redesigned and
landscaped. When I walked in the front door I immediately saw a strange-looking cross. I asked, "Where did you get that?" One
of them answered, "It was given to us by our interior designer." It was made of Chinese good luck coins and
the same red string worn by Buddhists around their wrists or necks. There was another one of these crosses inside their home.
There was also a chime hanging from the ceiling above their picture of St. Theresa the Little Flower. My discernment was on
high alert before breakfast even started. I prodded them, "Who is your interior designer? Why are they giving
you these charms?" They responded that their realtor referred her to them and both the realtor and the designer
are Catholic. "It’s Feng Shui," I advised them. "Let me educate you on what it is...divination."
I referred them to the Catechism and Deuteronomy 18-19, specifically, "When you come into the
land that the Lord your God is giving you, you must not learn to imitate the abhorrent practices of those nations. No one
shall be found among you who makes a son or daughter pass through fire, or who practices divination, or is a soothsayer, or
an augur, or a sorcerer, or one who casts spells, or who consults ghosts or spirits, or who seeks oracles from the dead. For
whoever does these things is abhorrent to the Lord; it is because of such abhorrent practices that the Lord your God is driving
them out before you. You must remain completely loyal to the Lord your God. Although these nations that you are about to dispossess
do give heed to soothsayers and diviners, as for you, the Lord your God does not permit you to do so" (Deut. 18:9-14)."
(Deut. 18:9-14). They believed immediately and got out a ladder to take them down. I told them they would need to have
their houses blessed by a priest, not a diviner. Eco-spiritualists would have us believe that nature is flawless and
it is humans that need to find harmony with Mother Earth. But the environment is far from perfect. Jesus commanded the storm
to cease and it did (Mark 4:35-40); he commanded nature and it obeyed him. Praise God that we are subject to a Saviour who
commands nature; we are creatures of a Creator who created nature! Nature will only be redeemed when humans are redeemed at
the return of Christ.
The Reality of the Devil BY Father Andrew McNair, LC
October 28 - November 3, 2007 Issue | Posted 10/23/07
The new millennium marks for many teens and young adults a renewed interest in spirituality. What type of spirituality?
Christian? No. Islamic? No. How about an Eastern spirituality like Taoism? Wrong again. Try Satanism. That’s right.
The occult movement of Satanism ranks number one among teens and young adults as their preferred spirituality.We could dismiss
the ascendancy of Satanism in the United States as a fad of the young; something they will grow out of with time. In others
words, it’s nothing to worry about. In my judgment, that’s the wrong approach to the spiritual and cultural phenomenon
of Satanism. People need to understand that Satanic spirituality leaves deep spiritual and psychological scars on its victims.
Christians should know how to recognize and combat satanic spirituality. Where do we begin? Let’s begin by reaffirming
a basic truth: Satan exists. His demonic minions exist. Scripture and Tradition depict Satan as the supreme evil leader of
the fallen angels who seek to disrupt God’s plan of salvation for humanity. The Catechism of the Catholic Church points
out: “Behind the disobedient choice of our first parents lurks a seductive voice, opposed to God, which makes them fall
into death out of envy. Scripture and the Church’s Tradition see in this being a fallen angel, called ‘Satan’
or the ‘devil.’” The Church teaches that Satan was at first a good angel, made by God: “The devil
and the other demons were indeed created naturally good by God, but they became evil by their own doing” (No. 391).
St. Peter the Apostle warns us, “Keep sober and alert, because your enemy the devil is on the prowl like a roaring lion,
looking for someone to devour.” Yet despite warnings from Scripture and Tradition about the lure of Satanism, teens
and young adults see involvement in Satanic occultism as an acceptable cultural and social option. Why?Satanic occultism wears
the deceptive guise of white magic.White magic employs the use of occult powers to do good. Black magic, on the other hand,
uses occult powers to do evil. The entertainment industry cleverly hammers the notion of white magic in inattentive minds.
Take for example, CBS popular TV program, “Ghost Whisperer.” The show tells the story of an attractive young woman
that chats with the dead. She uses her occult powers to help the dead finish pending matters with family and friends in this
life before helping them cross over to the other side. Viewers can’t help but think this a wonderful way to help others.
But is it really? Another very popular CBS TV program called “Moonlight” throws a positive spin on the occult.
In this program, a tall imposing vampire works as a private detective to make amends for past crimes he committed as a vampire.
He no longer sucks blood from the necks of the innocent. He now keeps a stock of fresh blood in his fridge to quench his thirst.
How consoling. On the literary front, we find an entire plethora of books, magazines and columns that speak highly of the
occult. For the last few years, the No. 1 best-selling novel in the United States and abroad narrates a story about a young
boy wizard that uses white magic to duel the most powerful and evil wizard ever known. Millions of youth, worldwide, look
up to this courageous wizard as a perfect role model. Can a sorcerer or warlock be a role model?The overall message of the
white magic argument is clear: Magic is not bad in itself. It depends, like many things, on how you use it. In view of this
assertion, white magic wins approval and respectability in the minds of many. Here, we need to make an important moral clarification.
The difference often made between white magic and black magic is woefully erroneous. The goodness or badness of an act of
witchcraft or magic is not determined by the purpose of its use. Its moral quality comes from its origin. The origin of all
occult powers is the demonic realm. Consequently, all magic involving the use of occult powers is intrinsically evil. The
Catechism of the Catholic Church makes this point abundantly clear: “All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one
attempts to tame occult powers, so as to place them at one’s service and have a supernatural power over others —
even if this were for the sake of restoring their health — are gravely contrary to the virtue of religion. These practices
are even more to be condemned when accompanied by the intention of harming someone, or when they have recourse to the intervention
of demons” (No. 2116).The best defense against the lure of Satanic influence is an intense life of grace. In the words
of St. Paul, the Church invites us to “Put on the full armor of God so as to be able to resist the devil’s tactics.”
This will permit us to utter effectively the powerful words of Christ in the hour of temptation, “Get thee behind me,
Legionary Father
Andrew McNair is a theology professor at Mater Ecclesiae
College in Greenville, Rhode Island.
If you have children or grandchildren, work
with children at church, or you have neighborhood children whose parents you know, please take note of the information below
and pass it along to others. Schools are distributing this book to children through the Scholastic Book Club.
The name of the book is Conversations with God... James Dobson talked about this book twice this week. It is devastating.
Parents, churches and Christian schools need to be aware of it. Please pass this information on to church/e-mail addresses,
Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, friends.
Please pay special attention not only to what your kids
watch on TV, in movie theaters, on the internet, and the music they listen to, but also be alert regarding the books they
Two particular books are, Conversations with God and Conversations with God for Teens, written by Neale
D. Walsch. They sound harmless enough by their titles alone. The books have been on the New York Times best sellers list for
a number of weeks, and they make truth of the statement, "Don't judge a book by its cover or title."
author purports to answer various questions asked by kids using the "voice of God".. However, the "answers"
that he gives are not Bible-based and go against the very infallible word of God. For instance (and I paraphrase), when a
girl asks the question "Why am I a lesbian?" His answer is that she was 'born that way' because of genetics
(just as you were born right-handed, with brown eyes, etc.). Then he tells her to go out and "celebrate" her differences.
Another girls poses the question "I am living with my boyfriend. My parents say that I should marry him because
I am living in sin. Should I marry him?"
His reply is, "Who are you sinning against? Not me, because
you have done nothing wrong."
Another question asks about God's forgiveness of sin. His reply "I
do not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive. There is no such thing as right or wrong and that is what I have
been trying to tell everyone, do not judge people. People have chosen to judge one another and this is wrong, because the
rule is "'judge not lest ye be judged."
only are these books the false doctrine of the devil, but in some instances quote (in error) the Word of God.
the list goes on. These books (and others like it) are being sold to school children through (The Scholastic Book Club), and
we need to be aware of what is being fed to our children.
Our children are under attack. So I pray that you be
sober and vigilant about teaching your children the Word of God, and guarding their exposure to worldly mediums, because our
adversary, the devil, roams about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). We know that lions usually hunt
for the slowest, weakest and YOUNGEST of its prey.
Pass this on to every Believer you know. God bless! And, if
you are in doubt, check out the books yourself.