"Exorcism: Encounters with the Paranormal and the Occult", by Fr. Jose Fancisco
C. Syquia, Director of the Office of Exorcism for the Archdiocese of Manila (Philippines). While alot of general information
is included, it discusses Filipino folk spirituality and how some try to blend pagan/occult practices with Catholicism. Given
our U.S. ethnic melting pot, awareness of these problems should be helpful to all readers.
"Exorcism: Encounters with the Paranormal and the Occult", by Fr. Jose Fancisco C. Syquia
ISBN - 978-971-93671-0-9
2006 by Shepherd's Voice Publications, Inc.
#60 Chiccago St.
Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines 1109
Tel: (02) 411-7874,
75, 76
Fax: 727-5615