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Speaker Talk Titles:

Some of
the different talk title's, Moira speak's on:
 “Ransomed from Darkness and the Battle for Souls.”,    “Evangelize by Example, Stories of Hope”,    “Is our Faith Stronger than our Fascination, what is the Message behind the Media”,    “ Charismatic Gifts vs. Counterfiet Gifts, a Discernment of Spirits” ,  “Healing with the Gifts of the Holy Spirits vs. Alternative Healing with Spirit Guides and How to Discern the Difference”,     “ Spiritual Warfare for Spiritual Directors and all Counselors/Healers, How to Recognize it/,How to Handle It” .    “ I also give a talk on the Vatican document “Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life, A Christian Reflection on the New Age”. This talk is very informative and educational. This document is now in book form through Pauline Books and Media.

I am a Basic Catechist and I am a graduate  of a School for Spiritual Direction and I give Talks that are informative and educational..

Is your spirituality in line with the Catholic faith?

Moira Noonan resides in San Diego, California, and is coming to Blessed Sacrament Church in Regina to speak to Youth (13 years of age and older) their parents and young adults and discuss  popular modern day spirituality, sometimes called the New Age Movement. 

Ignorance is not Bliss

Moira Noonan is a popular speaker among Christians, traveling throughout North America, explaining the true nature of the New Age Movement, its origins, purposes and dangers.  She speaks with experience, as she was a master and teacher of New Age spirituality and occult practices for over 20 years.  After a series of powerful conversion experiences she returned to the Catholic Church.  She has committed herself to a ministry of educating and helping people avoid New Age spirituality, and avoid the evils she experienced in the many New Age practices and techniques that exist in our society today.  In her easy-to-read book "Ransomed from Darkness", she tells her story and her current involvement in spiritual warfare.

Topics for Discussion

Specifically, Moira Noonan's topics to Youth, parents and young adults on spiritual warfare could include: occult connections in games such as taro cards, Dungeons and Dragons and Ouija Board, and satanic video games; also vampire books, magic or sorcery, crystals, forms of divination, clairvoyance, recourse to mediums, fortune-tellers, consulting ghosts or spirits, satanic covens, witchcraft / Wicca, etc. and anything the Youth and parents wish to discuss.